Makers Making: Judy Sparkes – Pottery

A lifelong appreciation of artisanal craft is reflected in everything Judy Sparkes does. From the moment 40 years ago when she first touched clay, she was hooked on the process.

A skilled cook, she is obsessed with the relationship between great food and handmade pottery. She believes handmade pots elevate the dining experience. ‘I love the idea of the pot as a vessel…it gives and it receives…it nurtures us and in turn, nurtures our relationships. Everything is more enjoyable in a hand-made pot. Her work is carefully hand crafted to be enjoyed as everyday art.

Judy is a long-time orchid enthusiast who lends her hand judging events with the American Orchid Society. In her spare time Judy knits socks and bakes sourdough loaves that she generously shares with friends and family.  

You can see more of her hand-made creations at the Apsley Studio Tour.

Judy Sparkes, Studio H

September 18 – 19, 10 am – 5pm

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