David Connected with Jack Lake.

Time spent on Jack Lake during the summer of 2020 was very different compared to other summers.  We felt lucky to be at the lake, but missed hosting friends and family as we had in years past.

To pass the time, and to get some exercise, I started to canoe in the mornings before beginning my daily painting session in the studio.  At first, the trips were about 30 minutes in length.  As the summer progressed, my morning paddles gradually extended into 3 hour trips.  I enjoyed slowly exploring the bays and islands in the early morning light.

After the first few outings, I decided to bring my camera along.  Looking back I am so happy I did, as I was able to witness wonderful changes in light as the sun broke the horizon and started to warm the fresh lake air.  I enjoyed capturing scenes on the lake in different weather conditions, and found that approaching an island in a canoe is a much different experience than in a motor boat.  

I ventured out on the lake over 50 times that summer, and as a result, I now feel even more connected to my subject.  I continue to use the photographs taken in my canoe as inspiration for my paintings.  I can hardly wait for the ice to melt so I can get back out on the water to reconnect with the lake.

David Grieve, Studio G

September 18 – 19, 10 am – 5pm



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