Tracing the Seasons – Apsley Backroads – September Issue – Vivienne Jones

Perhaps you have a familiar place in your home or cottage where you sit and enjoy the view outside. Maybe it’s of the lake, or of a garden you’ve nurtured, or of a particularly lovely stand of trees. Maybe you lounge comfortably in a favourite chair, having coffee in a favourite cup, and ponder along with each season how the view changes, sometimes gradually, sometimes rapidly, but it’s never exactly the same. Given the opportunity, surely this is a universal pleasure.

Many of the works in the APSLEY STUDIO TOUR are by artists who are inspired by the imagery that Mother Nature provides for us.Inspired to capture the essence of their subject and offer it back to us as seasons and times change. 

It’s through artworks that we can revisit the ever-changing wonder that is the natural world around us and bring our ‘views‘ inside.

 This September enjoy a weekend of exploration. Discover local artists, their studios, their guests and an array of creative work. You won’t regret it!

SEPTEMBER 17TH +18TH 10am – 5 am. 2022.

Find all the details and the map at

 follow us on facebook and instagram under apsley autumn studio tour

*also find our details when you download the NEW app TOUREKA!

Written on behalf of apsley studio tour by V. Jones