Written by Anja Hertle. 2023

Commissions are a favourite part my mosaic work. I love to create truly personal pieces of art meaningful to my clients and if possible incorporating china or pottery that has been in their family for years. My process involves a sketch of the desired image and upon client approval I begin the mosaic process of cutting recycled china, pottery, tile and stained glass using tile nippers.  The tiny pieces plus findings like beads and buttons, get glued onto a substrate and then the entire piece is grouted. Each commission has a special place in my heart and I try to fully align my work with the client’s vision.

Generally my mosaics are finished art pieces ready to hang on a wall but these latest commissions were incorporated right into the design of their kitchens. Making sure the thickness of the mosaic plus it’s substrate and the accompanying backsplash tile were compatible, the grout colour the right choice and fitting the mosaic into the tile pattern in a pleasing manner were all challenges. Luckily my recent clients worked with really good tile contractors who were up to the challenge.

Sometimes clients entrust me with their grandma’s china or in one case even great-great-grandma’s, Including a tiny silver spoon! Of course I also dig through my vast collection of broken bits to find the colours, textures and patterns that complement each design.

Luckily family and friends and even visitors to the Apsley Studio Tour keep supplying me with lots of resources. But some colours are hard to find! How many of you have pink or orange dishes? Keep me in mind when you break that polka dotted mug and if you have a special project,I’m excited to tackle my next challenge!