Where Art Lives Now

By Clare Scott-Taggart

Buying work from the artists on the Apsley Studio tour is much more than just making a purchase. It’s an exchange between people; an artist who has invested time and energy in creating an object and someone who appreciates it enough to own it. When a piece comes home with you from the tour, you are in a sense, taking a small part of the artist and their vision into your home. When you look at the object you know who made it, you have seen their studio and you have an insight into the ‘life of the maker.’

As makers and artists, getting an appreciative email or text from a customer showing the work in its new home is a wonderful bonus that adds an extra layer to the connections that are created through the making and buying of art.


Painter David Grieve received this note and photo from one of his happy customers:

“This storm inspired painting was purchased at the 2020 Apsley Studio Tour. It now hangs on a cottage wall next to windows overlooking the beautiful shores of Chandos Lake.”

Art gains character from the place where it gets to live. It becomes part of another environment and a family’s life and story, continuing the exchange between maker and viewer.



Britt Olauson, woodworker, received a photo of her beautiful walnut, hand hewn charcuterie board, heavily laden with olives, cheese, nuts and other delicious food. What brings more enjoyment then gathering with friends and sharing food and conversation? How rich and meaningful to say you know the artist who created the platter for this generous display. 





Jewellery is perhaps the most intimate of exchanges. What’s created is worn on the body and becomes part of how a person presents themselves to the world. Classic or modern, fun and funky, precious or not, jewellery can be a memento, a gift, or a treat to brighten your day. Customer Catherine Johnson says:

“Catharine Scott Jewelry is a must have for any wardrobe. I own several of Catharine’s one-of-a-kind, innovative and creative pieces and they make me so happy! Whenever I wear them, I get multiple compliments and I am always glad to pass her name on…Catharine is warm and is always open to adjusting her designs to ensure her creations are a custom fit!”



To get your own custom fit of beautiful, unique art and craft, please visit the artists and makers of the Apsley Studio Tour.



This year’s studio tour runs:

Saturday and Sunday September 18th and 19th, 2021 from 10 am. to 5 pm.

28 artists at 13 locations throughout the Apsley area. (Appropriate protocols will be in place.)

For information on the tour including participating artists, downloadable map and access to our new tour app check out more on this website.

And follow us on Instagram and Facebook!



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