Makers Making: Valerie Foster – Fibre Art

New to the tour this year: Valerie Foster and her wonderful quilts! 
Valerie was always destined to be a quilter, getting ‘hooked’ while living in Saudi Arabia. 

Get to know more about Valerie with this Q and A:

Why do I do what I do?  

I have been sewing since my teen years, quilting for the last 20.   I began a career in textiles when I designed children’s clothing through the 90’s.  I had always wanted to try my hand at quilting and found that opportunity when my neighbour in Saudi Arabia persuaded me to go the camp guild meeting. I was hooked from that very first experience.  I loved the freedom of combining as many colours, prints and textures as I wanted in any project and brought many of my technical skills to this new challenge.  The thread work has become one of the most fun parts of the process.

What about this area inspires you?   

Quilting allows me to explore colour and style with each new project.  From brights to muted tones, solids and prints.  I would consider myself a traditional quilter but am now taking my love of the origins of quilting into more modern trends. I’m a math teacher by profession and admit I enjoy the mathematics involved in quilting as well.  My favourite area of teaching math was Geometry.  I was destined to become a quilter!

My most memorable experience with art?  

I can’t recall an experience that was particularly memorable but do love the oil paintings of Pauline Pacquin.  I appreciate her bold use of bright colour and the scenes are just joyful.

Qualities of one of the materials I work with.  

I only use 100% quilting cotton and cotton batt in my projects.  My quilts are meant to be cuddled, wrapped around you and on beds.  That required regular laundering, cotton is the most durable.  It’s colourful, affordable, and texturally exciting fabric for that purpose.  

A fun fact not related to my art.  

I am an avid gardener and spent years cultivating the gardens at our Chandos property.  They were the most lush and colourful these past three years.  I also love road cycling and have competed in time trials and races.  I continue to ride primarily in Phoenix, Arizona where we live in a community with designated bike paths.  My husband prefers motorcycles, our honeymoon was each driving our own Honda Gold Wings to the East Coast, circling back to Ontario through Maine and upstate NY.  Still riding today!

Valerie Foster, Studio E

September 18 – 19, 10 am – 5pm

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