Brad Copping

Studio F

Artist & Studio Host

Visual Art & Glass Art


Working from my home on the edge of the Canadian Shield, I have found muse and foil in this transitional landscape of stone, wood and water, making work that accepts that we are not separate from the natural world. My studio practice, as both a sculptor of various materials including glass and as a functional glass blower, has evolved around attempts to understand our place in a world where the only constant is change. Searching for a dynamic balance, or equilibrium, within the flow of our lives, my work examines how we live with each other and within the physical places in which we find ourselves.

And well, most of my work ends up referencing water in some form, and glass, in so many ways is the perfect material to reflect this interest.

Hot glass demonstrations will be happening as usual, throughout the weekend. Please join the crew at Studio F as we celebrate another year on the Apsley Studio Tour!


645 Jack Lake Road, Apsley

Repost from @livinglocalmarketplace

Come for the locally-made, one-of-a-kind offerings; stay for the spring. 🌸

New arrivals always, including these pastel pink pieces (and more) from @hilbornpotterydesign, #Cambridge, and a spring refresh of The Xylem Collection from @bradcopping, #Apsley.
#gift #giftbox #giftbasket #giftshop #corporategifts #corporategifting #livinglocal #local #localartist #localbusiness #peterborough #ptbo #ptbocanada #ptbokawartha #ontario #ontariomade #ontariomakers #kawarthas #thekawarthas #peterboroughkawartha #oneofakind

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Winter morning light. ...

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Evening light and enamelled glass ...

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Every year my brother creates a card for family and friends from one of his photographs. It is something I look forward to at this time of year.

South and Central Ontario were swept by a very heavy snowstorm in early December which provided him this stunning scene for an un-trampled first light image. Too good not to share, hope you don’t mind Brian.

It is a pleasure to slow down and celebrate the days slowly beginning to lengthen here in the northern hemisphere, and the gathering of friends and family for various holidays (from the Old English word hāligdæg — hālig "holy" + dæg "day").

I hope you and yours find time for quiet contemplation and joyous celebration, and that the best of 2025 is something we all can share.

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