The Apsley Autumn Studio Tour Group thanks all of our sponsors
for their generous and ongoing support !
Studio B | Tom Parsons, Barbara Miszkiel, Anne Young
Studio C | Britt Olauson, Arne Roosman, Lisa Mace, Silver Timbers
Studio D | Nina Sampaleanu, Alex Anagnostou
Studio E | Judy Ranieri, Brenda Rudder, Glynis Williams
Studio F | Brad Copping, Susan Rankin, David Smith, Rusty Girl, Jillian Messervey
Studio G | David Grieve, Anja Hertle
Studio H | Dolores Hopps, Judy Sparkes, Kathy Robichaud, Catharine Scott, Mary Ellen Gerster, Aubre Scott
Studio J | Jenny Gordon
Studio K | Joeann Pearson
Studio L | Jacques Deslauriers, Andrew Gregg
Studio M | Molly Moldovan, Kelly O’Neill
Studio O | Rachel Conlin, Marci Swift
The Apsley Autumn Studio Tour Group respectfully acknowledges that the lands we live and work on are located on Treaty 20, Treaty 27, 27 1⁄4 and Williams Treaty lands – living treaties in which we are all participants.
We recognize that the lands and waters that are, for many of us, the source of our inspiration, are the traditional lands and waters of the Chippewa and Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg and that their language and culture which is rooted in this land and water has much to teach us.
Saturday 10 - 5
Sunday 10 - 5
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